Of course the Op de Beeck Group has been granted all the necessary permits and attestations for its various activities.
Below, you will find an overview for each activity.

Processing by thermal drying in Kallo
- Environmental permit for processing manure and organic biological waste
- Recognition under Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009 for processing animal by-products
- Recognition under Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009 as intermediary
- Vlaco conformity certificate for the biothermally dried end product
- Exemption from the FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment for the biothermally dried mixture
- Sale of organic fertilisers in France pursuant to NFU regulations
- FASFC certification as manufacturer of mixed organic soil improvers
- Operator treating and processing unit of the Manure Bank

Organic waste processing in Kallo by Op de Beeck NV
- Environmental permit for processing organic biological waste (OBW)
- Environmental permit for processing wastes that do not comply with Vlarema, processing hazardous wastes and discharging industrial waste water, incl. external waste water by means of a water treatment plant
- Recognition under Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009 for processing animal by-products
- Authorised warehousekeeper for the destruction of goods under customs supervision or excise goods
- Authorised temporary storage for customs
- Vlaco conformity certificate for the (thickened) liquid fraction of the digestate, the concentrate and the ammonium water
- Exemption from the FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment for the (thickened) liquid fraction of the digestate
- FASFC certification as manufacturer of mixed organic soil improvers

Transport Orgacom BVBA, Henrard SA & Schellens BVBA
- Accredited transporter for manure transport in Flanders
- Registered waste transporter for Flanders, Wallonia, the Brussels Region, the Netherlands, France and Germany
- Registered transporter for animal by-products in Flanders
- GMP/FCA certificate for animal feed transport

Collection and trade of organic biological waste by Biogas Solutions NV
- Registered with OVAM as collector of organic biological waste
- Recognition under Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009 for collecting animal by-products
- NIWO certificate as collector/trader of waste materials in the Netherlands
- Registered with OWD as trader of waste materials in Wallonia
- Vlaco user certificates for Ecofrit®, Biofrit®, Granofrit®, Former Foodstuffs and Vegetal Products

Collection and trade of manure and organic biological waste by Compofert NV
- Registered with OVAM as collector of organic biological waste
- NIWO certificate as collector/trader of waste materials in the Netherlands

Storage and trade of organic soil improvers in Olen by Op de Beeck BVBA
- Environmental permit for storage of green waste, bark and soil improvers
- Operator VLM collection point

Trading in animal feed by Agrophil SPRL
- FASFC registered trader of feed materials
- GMP+/FCA certificate as trader of animal feed