Within the Op de Beeck Group, Agrophil SPRL processes organic by-products from the food industry into animal feed.

This involves small and industrial breweries, potato processing companies, bakeries, sugar and starch companies, bioethanol producers etc. An essential element however is that only GMP + or FCA certified wastes will be processed by Agrophil (OVOCOM or Consultation Platform for the Animal Feed Sector).
The GMP + or FCA standard serves as a guideline for animal feed-producing companies and is strictly observed by Agrophil.

All certified wastes are processed into simple wet animal feeds.
Furthermore Agrophil has dozens of years of experience in the direct sale of GMP + /FCA waste amongst producers and various end users.
Each year, Agrophil trades about 250,000 tonnes of animal feed.
Does your production process involve the generation of bulk organic wastes and are they GMP + /FCA certified? Do not hesitate to contact our officer, Stephan Maertens.
Even for your non-certified organic wastes we can probably offer a proper solution through Biogas Solutions.
If you are a farmer looking for wet animal feed, you can ask for a list of our products, with specifications on basic composition and potential applications. We produce tailor-made high-moisture feeds so that they can easily be introduced into your feed rations.

Contact Agrophil SPRL
Stephan Maertens
Mobile: 0032 486 63 54 62